Hard to believe he's already 5 months old!
Dylan rolls like a champ now. The other day he rolled across his room and got stuck under his crib. I swear he is going to crawl soon. He knows how to get on his elbows and knees, but he's not quite strong enough to get on his hands and knees... thank goodness! I'm not ready for crawling yet.
Mike will come home next week. I am so excited. It feels like he's been gone for a year. I don't know what I would have done if my mom were not here. I could not have managed it. It's going to be hard to take her to the airport. I'm sure I will cry all day.
Dylan is finally taking the bottle and I am done with breast feeding. Thanks to a good kick in the rear from Melissa, I quit cold turkey. It was time. I truly believe Dylan was not getting what he needed. He completely quit eating off of one side and he was waking up more and more at night to eat. The first night I fed him with the bottle he slept for 7 hours straight. Unfortunately, I did not sleep a wink!!
YAY DYLAN! I'm so happy he finally took the bottle - what a stress reliever for you! And we got to get that boy an ECU hat - STAT!