Sunday, October 24, 2010

11 months

It wasn't long after I posted the last blog that Dylan started walking. Of course, it wasn't full-time, but walking none-the-less. Now, if he needs to get anywhere, he is walking.

Big smile, silly boy.

He loves climbing on his rocking bug.

Getting ready for his first birthday. He told us that he wanted a Mickey Mouse theme this year.

He finally took the plunge and crawled in. It was a chore getting him out.

His first busted lip. Mike's first instinct was to grab the camera.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! We've got some gifts we're gathering for you guys (I know...I'm such a yakee!). We just order stuff for Christmas so I'll get your Christmas, Mike's birthday (30...still can't believe it!), and Dylan's birthday.
