Yes, we are in yet another hotel. At least this time we are in Colorado Springs! We have been here since Wednesday night. House hunting is not as fun as we were hoping it would be. Thursday we met our realtor and spent time with him driving around different neighborhoods to see what we like. After that, he printed out every house in the areas we liked that were in our price range and met our criteria (at least 3 bed, 2 bath). Mike and I went through all of those Thursday night and made a list of 25 houses that we wanted to see. That's what we did on Friday. It was a LONG DAY, and eye opening. We learned that everything looks good on paper. Most of them were disappointing for one reason or another and some were obviously getting ready to go through foreclosure b/c the owners trashed the house and took everything from appliances to door knobs! After Friday, there were four houses that we knew we could live in. Saturday we looked at those houses again and a couple others that were a little out of our price range. That narrowed it down to two houses. We spent Saturday afternoon making Pros/Cons lists and the decision was clear. SO Monday morning we are going to go sign the papers to put in an offer. Keep your fingers crossed! We really like the house and the area it is in. It is actually just out of town, but that is where the city is heading. It's a great community.
We have not had a chance at all to tour the Springs like we thought we would. It is beautiful here. The mountains are right there! The city is clean and really nice. We know that we are gong to love it.
Here I am at 22 weeks. Time is flying. I don't know which is harder, finding a house or finding a crib! I am having the hardest time picking things out. All that baby furniture is so expensive.
This picture is from the ultra sound I had a couple of weeks ago. It is of his little feet, like the one I put on here at 12 weeks. They are A LOT bigger this time, and stronger! He has a little routine that I have picked up on. I know the times of the day that he will be up and moving. He loves to get his WHOLE body on my right side. It pinches when he does that but it looks so cool b/c my tummy is really lumpy looking. We felt him kick from the outside for the first time yesterday! I noticed he was kicking really hard and laid my hand on my tummy just to see and sure enough, I felt it. Then Mike had to keep is hand there for a little bit until the baby kicked another good one, and he felt it too! That was exciting.
Look hard, you will see the bottoms of his feet.
well....i think it's safe to say that you've officially 'popped'! and those little feet are my favorite!