My "vacation" is over. All is well. I am happy to be home and see my sweet baby again.
For those that do not know, I was in the hospital because of a MS flare-up. It attacked my right eye. It was very painful, but I didn't completely lose my vision this time. It's just blurry, but I expect a full recovery.
I can't say it enough- Thank goodness for my Mom! It was really good timing for me to have an attack. It was a lot for her to handle, but she did a great job. Jeremy changed his ticket so he came in a day earlier to be here for moral support. But lets be honest- he really wanted to get here sooner to see his boy.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, even though most of you didn't even know anything was going on!
Mike will be home this Friday.... hopefully! Crazy things keep happening, like planes breaking down.
I'll get some pictures on here soon of my growing boy!