Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A lot of things have happened in the last couple of days... #1 my cousin Melissa found out SHE'S HAVING A GIRL!!! So Exciting!! #2 Mike and I found out that we are leaving Montana sooner than we thought. Long story short, he is trading training dates with another guy who really needs to go to in September. So Mike has to be in Alabama at the end of July. Every week is going to be jam packed until then, including going to Col. Springs to find a house.

Tomorrow the packers come. Our house is destroyed right now, and it's only going to get worse. We feel like we have tons to do, but we're not really sure what. I guess the packers will take care of everything.

So here we are at 17 weeks. I have started to feel the baby move around a lot. It's so cool. I felt it about two weeks ago for the first time and I knew exactly what that little flutter feeling was as soon as it happened. It happened one more time about a week after that, and this week it has happened a lot. I love it!

This past weekend it snowed! Nothing stuck to the ground, thank goodness.
So starting Thursday we will have nothing in our house except an air mattress, a small TV, and our clothes that we don't want the movers to take. Sunday will be our last night in our first home.... I'm sure I'll cry!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie,
    Carly and I are visiting Nancy and her clan for the week. Just read your news. Can't believe you guys are moving already! I guess you will stay in a hotel until you find a house in Colorado Springs. I hope it doesn't take too long.

    Nancy asks "So I guess this means you won't be joining us on vacation in a couple weeks??"

    Good luck. Take care.

