Wednesday, October 14, 2009

35 weeks

This has been a long two weeks! I am finally recovering from the flu. I had no idea it would take so long. This weekend was the first time I felt like it was OK to be in public and not spread my germs… not that we went anywhere. The weather here has been horrible. Saturday the temperature stayed in the 20’s. It was really icy and the roads were dangerous. Sunday it warmed up just enough to clear the roads, so we finally got out of the house.

Last week Mike went on his first trip to New Mexico for his job. It sounds like he will go there several times a year. He was only gone for a few days, so it wasn't too bad. I was busy sleeping anyway. I sleep a lot these days. I have never been a nap taker, but in the afternoon I can’t keep my eyes open. I feel like it’s the first trimester all over again, except now the baby feels like he’s going to fall out any minute and I wish he would! I tell him everyday that he can come on out if he wants to. So far he has declined the offer.

It's so funny how many things change in 8 months of pregnancy. I'm pretty sure I always thought that when I got pregnant I would eat only organic foods. Ha! My first trimester I stayed sick and only wanted to eat fast food. I could take out a large fry from McDonald's in seconds, and I never eat stuff like that! I also thought for a while that I definitely did not want to be induced and definitely not have a C-section unless it was an emergency. Right about now I would pay big bucks to have both done! There are other thoughts I had like trying to have a natural birth, but that didn't last long. I've definitely learned to expect the unexpected throughout this process and not to plan anything. I just hope that all goes well at the birth and Dylan is healthy.

I've been thinking about this whole birth thing a lot lately now that I only have 5 weeks left. I'm getting pretty nervous. In a couple of weeks Mike and I are taking a Lamaze class. We are both scared that we are going to laugh the whole time, but hopefully we can keep it together. The main reason I wanted to take the class is so we can get a tour of the labor and delivery area, but who knows- maybe all that breathing will come in handy.

You see that belly? Yeah- it's really heavy.
Dylan is seriously running out of room to move. I can't figure out where his body parts are because he's so cramped up. I know where his head, back and feet are, but everything else is just clumped together. He still moves around quite a bit, but the movements are different. I guess they are a little more gentle... except for when he pushes those feet out. I can't wait to see those little feet!

Tucker has had some pretty bad allergies since he got to Colorado. He had allergies in Montana too, but it is worse here. Monday Mike and I took him for a walk and he had an attack. He started sneezing and sneezing one right after the other. He couldn't even catch his breath it was so bad. We didn't know what in the world to do for him. It was pitiful. We got him home and he got better. His nose drips and it seems to be a little stuffed. The poor thing takes after his mother. I just hope Dylan doesn't have allergies or Tucker's going to have a For Sale sign on. Yeah right.


  1. YAY! The highlight of my week....or month! ha ha! Some words of advice: SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP......EPIDURAL......don't induce unless you are already dialated or it might be a long labor! Can't wait to meet baby Dylan! Just cook him a little longer! Love you and miss you guys! has been having allergies too....but just itching like CRAZY so he's been getting benadryl-pb sandwiches!

  2. Katie, you look great! I love the fact that your lab also wanted to be in the pic!!

    Take care of yourself, oh and I guess since we are on the subject, my dog also has allergies..sneezing fits, and constant scratching. Had to take her to the vet and get a prescription!! Nothing like high mainetenance pups! ~ Corina
