Thursday, October 22, 2009

36 weeks

Only 4 weeks to go!! Well, maybe. It could be sooner. I had a check-up yesterday. Everything is fine. I finally got a ‘Stork Pass’ for the hospital. It’s a special parking pass for big pregnant ladies like me. That is exciting. I don’t go to the hospital for check-ups now, but I wanted one of those passes so bad when I was going.
It snowed ALL DAY yesterday. I mean, it absolutely dumped on us. The roads were terrible. Of course, yesterday was the only day I had places that I had to go. I was nervous about driving, even though it’s nothing new to me. Luckily, once I got out of our area the roads were not as bad. I may have said this before, but we live 1000 feet higher than Colorado Springs. We get completely different weather than they do, usually meaning more snow and wind.

This is what it looked like this morning- the roads were nothing but ice.
Last night I had a wives club meeting to go to and by then the roads were even worse. One of Mike’s co-workers (really, she’s his boss) and I road together. I figured she was a safe bet since she had her little daughter with her. As it turns out, she does not have a 4wd vehicle. I was ready for her to turn around and take me home before we got out of the neighborhood! She was really nervous too, but she drove slowly and we made it to the meeting and home just fine.
The meeting was fun. Not many people were there because of the weather, but it made it easier to get to know the girls. To be honest, for the first part of the meeting I was more interested in food. For the past month I have wanted nothing but deserts and have not indulged. Every night I tell Mike how much I want a brownie with ice cream, chocolate syrup, and plain M&Ms. Or sometimes I just want the M&Ms. Last night there were two chocolate cakes and I had a big piece of each. It was great! I figured I deserved it. Keeping that belly in check has been a lot of work.
Mike and I finally got a rocker/glider for the baby’s room. I have been looking on Craig’s List for months and finally found one. That was the last piece of furniture that we needed. Until now we had the pack-n-play in the corner of the room and the swing just sitting in the middle of the room. It was a mess. Things are finally coming together! All we need is the baby.


  1. so jealous.....i want a stork pass too! ha ha! you definitely have earned it! do you think you could post a pic of the nursery sometime? you know....between all your naps;)

    umm.....seeing those roads brings me back to montana when we had cabin fever and we screamed the whole 5 minutes we were sliding around on those roads! so glad(most of the time) that I live where it's 70 degrees year round!

    Come on Dylan.....after you're done cooking of course!

  2. So I would suggest sleeping when you can, because pretty soon you won't be sleeping much. As the baby starts to get ready to come out, sleeping will start to get more and more uncomfy :) And once that child comes, forget about it! Even now with Eli, I don't get as much sleep as I need!

    And get some dark chocolate M's (as Eli calls them) and have a few each day. There's a reason your body is craving chocolate :)

    I'm excited about Dylan coming. It's going to be exhausting, terrifying, and challenging in every aspect. But it's also going to be fun, exciting, and awe inspiring when you see how much he changes in even just the first few months.
